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Thank you for your interest in our fundraising event! Here with your help we can host an afternoon event that fosters a cultural exchange experience and highlights issues within our communities.


Karibu means "Welcome" in Swahili 

Get to Know Us

Karibu Community Legacy Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization serving survivors of sexual and domestic violence in the Metro Atlanta area. Our works is to ensure that survivors have resources to meet the immediate and long-term needs for themselves and their children.

Our Purpose

Karibu Community Legacy Inc. has been providing free services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence since 2019. Our goal is to help survivors and their family to secure physical safety, legal assistance, emotional/mental health services, and economic security. 


Our education, advocacy, and self sufficiency programs are all provided in a culturally and linguistically appropriate approach. While we serve anyone that needs services, we are specialized in servicing African immigrant and refugee communities having access to 13 African languages, with Arabic and French, in-house. ​


"Taste of Home" is an event that provides a space for culinary cultural exchanges. We host numerous dishes from many cultures from local businesses with the majority from African culture. Please join us, guests can support our causes while getting exposed to local cultural cuisine.

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